
About this Policy

Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. values your privacy and is dedicated to safeguarding the personal information of individuals in accordance with relevant laws. This policy applies to all entities under Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. unless a separate policy has been adopted by a specific entity.

For any inquiries about this policy, please reach out using the contact details listed at the bottom of this page. This policy does not cover the personal information of Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. employees in their professional capacity.

What is “personal information”?

In this policy, “personal information” refers to data or opinions about an identified individual or one who is reasonably identifiable. This includes but is not limited to a person’s name, address, date of birth, and other relevant details.

What personal information does Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. collect and hold?

Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. collects and holds personal information for the purpose of conducting its business functions. The collected information may include:

  • Name
  • Demographic information
  • Contact details (phone number, email address, residential and delivery addresses)
  • Product preferences and purchase history
  • User-submitted content (videos, images, etc.) from promotions, competitions, or surveys
  • Payment details (e.g., credit card number)
  • Digital identifiers and device ID information
  • Information about online browsing behavior and transactions
  • Location data
  • Contents of online and other communications

Sensitive information, such as health or biometric data, is not collected unless consent is given or specific permitted situations exist.

What happens if I don’t provide Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. with the personal information it requires?

Failure to provide necessary personal information may result in Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. being unable to fulfill information requests, provide goods or services, or meet other requested requirements.

How does Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. collect my personal information?

Personal information is primarily collected directly from individuals. This occurs when:

  • Requesting information or having direct dealings with Grafton Heritage Brewing Co.
  • Participating in competitions, promotions, or surveys
  • Making product purchases via websites or apps
  • Accessing or requesting information via websites or apps
  • Providing information to customer service call centers, websites, apps, or social media platforms

Additionally, information may be collected from third parties to enhance services.

For what purposes does Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. collect, hold, and use my personal information?

Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. uses personal information for various purposes, including:

  • Supplying, selling, marketing, and promoting goods or services
  • Improving goods and services
  • Personalising experiences
  • Informing about events, promotions, offers, and discounts
  • Conducting research (e.g., client surveys)
  • Administering and optimising distribution networks
  • Investigating and responding to inquiries or complaints
  • Analysing online interactions for targeted advertising and service improvement

This is not an exhaustive list, and specific purposes will be communicated at the time of collecting personal information.

Marketing Communications

Personal information may be used for direct marketing if agreed upon, with options for individuals to opt-out. Third parties may be involved in providing online marketing materials.

Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. Consumer Enquiries Privacy Statement

Calls to Consumer Enquiries may be recorded for quality, training, and verification purposes. Personal information provided during calls may be used for customer service, quality, training, and verification.

Will Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. give my personal information to anyone else?

Personal information may be disclosed to related companies, third-party partners, suppliers, service providers, and partners for operational purposes. Some entities may operate outside Australia, and efforts are made to ensure compliance with privacy laws.

Does Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. use cookies?

Cookies and similar tracking technologies are used for various purposes, including delivering online content, providing personalised services, and improving products and services. Users can manage or block cookies through browser settings.

How does Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. secure my personal information?

Reasonable steps are taken to protect personal information from risks such as misuse, interference, loss, and unauthorised access. Security measures include electronic security systems, data encryption, and regular training for employees.

How can I access and/or correct my personal information?

Individuals have the right to request access to and correction of personal information held by Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. Verification of identity may be required. There is no fee for access, but a reasonable fee may apply for information preparation.

How will I know if Grafton Heritage Brewing Co. changes this Privacy Policy?

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be communicated by posting an updated version on the website with a revised “Last Updated” date.

How do I obtain more information or lodge a privacy complaint?

For further information, privacy complaints, or questions about privacy practices, contact the Privacy Officer using the details provided.

Contact Us

Email: jamie.firth@brewhousegroup.com

Phone: (02) 6642 8168 (Consumer Enquiries)

Post: Privacy Officer
Grafton Heritage Brewing Co.
160 North Street GRAFTON NSW 2460


Please drink responsibly. Get the facts: drinkwise.org.au.

Please do not share with anyone underage.